Coach Jenny talks about her mission and history of STRONG girls. Jenny was involved with helping others with their fitness journey for a long time, but it wasn’t always what it seemed. Behind closed doors, Jenny wasn’t following her own advice. About 10 years ago, she suffered from an eating disorder. During this time, she would always pick herself a part about how she looked and how much she weighed. She encountered a reset point in her life, when she realized she was preaching something she wasn’t practicing.
Coach Jenny talks about her mission and history of STRONG girls. Jenny was involved with helping others with their fitness journey for a long time, but it wasn’t always what it seemed. Behind closed doors, Jenny wasn’t following her own advice. About 10 years ago, she suffered from an eating disorder. During this time, she would always pick herself a part about how she looked and how much she weighed. She encountered a reset point in her life, when she realized she was preaching something she wasn’t practicing.
She goes in detail about how she doesn’t want her STRONG girls to suffer and feel like they are limited to what they eat and do. If you are a mother, your children will remember this point of your life. As a child, you watch and learn from your parents. If you are always restricting yourself, your children will learn that it is a practice to follow. Growing up, Jenny saw many of her family members participating in these diets and noticed that they were not doing it the right and healthy way. Coach Jenny is inspired to help women healthily lose weight and maintain their weight loss.
She wants you to celebrate your hard work and lifestyle, rather than falling into tricks for an easy solution. If you want to change, change takes work until you establish it as a habit. Actions are caught, not taught. As a role model, the families tend to follow along and eat better alongside you.
She encourages you to enjoy a “free meal” not a “cheat meal” like you are lying to someone. As long as you are willing to put into the work, you will succeed. She is against the program’s titles that strictly set a date and number to your goal. Coach Jenny loves to help her women love their bodies!
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