Having kids give you a lot of love and joy but certainly not a lot of time.
As a fitness professional and athlete I used to train 1 – 2 hours a day in a gym setting. I had all the time in the world (oh the life!).
Of course after my little bean was born that all changed…drastically!
I was now on his schedule with very little time for myself and since fitness is the business I own as well as my entire being, I needed to find a way to keep it up.
I knew for my own sanity, health and overall mindset as a New Mom that I needed to continue training even if the time was cut in half.
So…I welcomed the Kettlebell into my routine.
As a lifter at heart I loved the fact that I could bring the Kettlebell upstairs and while Jackson napped I could get a full body and challenging resistance workout in 20-25 minutes sometimes even less.
I loved it so much that I decided to get my full Kettlebell Certification so I could share more of my knowledge to Moms and eventually hold KB workshops teaching the correct form and quick exercises that new moms can do to lose the baby weight on their time.
I first started off with straight full body kettlebell workouts and then when Jackson was on more of a schedule, (and had some babysitting help) I was able to get back into the gym I continued to use the Kettlebell as part of my programming or as a finisher at the end of my training sessions.
Here’s a few facts on why The Kettlebell is a must:
1. Kettlebell training builds strength in forarms and grip which is super important for new moms and avoid wrist/elbow and shoulder injuries carrying our babies.
2. You can’t cheat the Kettlebell – Moms have so many postural issues from pregnancy and now carrying their baby like rolled shoulders. Overhead movements with the kettlebell will help to activate under-worked muscles and strengthen the shoulders and back helping with posture. Every movement also involves the core so it’s amazing to tighten up and strengthen your mid-section without having to do sit-ups and ab routines (which new mom’s should not be doing anyway!)
3. Kettlebell training improves your cardio – respiratory fitness. You will need more cardio and energy to run around after your little ones…trust me at 10 months Jackson was walking and now that he’s 19 months he’s practically running all day long. Mommy is exhausted!
4. Kettlebell training is convenient – Kettlebells possess a very small footprint, meaning that they take up very little floor space. Kettlebells don’t require expensive racks; they can be stored in the corner or underneath other equipment.
5. Kettlebell training allows you to reduce overall training time – This allows you to devote your attention to other issues such as strategy, skill, rest and recovery. We all know how time-crunched Moms are. A quick yet effective workout is the order of the day and kettlebell training delivers just that.
6. Kettlebell training bridges the gap between strength training and cardio. You’ll burn more calories with both cardio and resistance training rolled up into one quick and effective workout.
7. Kettlebell training allows you to never miss your workout. Again, we all know how busy new moms are. Kettlebells allow you to train anywhere, the local park, beach, outside or inside while your baby naps.
So my advice to you and if you have no idea where to start is 1. pick up a kettlebell and 2. check out my Kettlebell Blast Ebook, click here! it’s a great place to start on your fitness goals and the workouts are done in 20 minutes or less 🙂
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