Tight in 20 Home Workout Program
For the next 28 days be prepared to get stronger and fitter. The best part is you don’t have to go to a gym.

Put an end to lazy days and take action.
Action = Results! Are you with me?
I created this epic and exclusive workout program JUST for you. You can easily complete these workouts with a few pieces of home equipment and get down and dirty in the comfort of your own home.
Better yet, most of workouts are done in 20 minutes or less.
The Tight in 20 Program Includes:
- A Full 28 Day workout calendar
- Daily Workouts, you’ll know what you are doing every day of the week.
- Video demonstrations of all exercises
- Access to my private Strong Girls Facebook Page for workout and nutrition tips, motivation and fat loss strategies.
Home Equipment You Will Need:
- Kettlebell
- Swiss Ball (exercise ball)
- Booty Bands (mini bands)
- Dumbbells – suggested weight is 2 of each 5 lbs, 10 lbs and 12 lbs, if you are more advanced 15 lbs or 20 lbs.
- Lebert (Optional)
**All are convenient and affordable, available at Treadmill Factory or Amazon**