Strong Like Mommy – Your Guide to a Healthy and Fit Pregnancy
Discover How Real Women Controlled Pregnancy Weight Gain and Were Able to Bounce Back to Their Pre-Baby Bodies in Less Time

Does seeing those two pink lines have you wondering what you can do to have the healthiest pregnancy possible? Don’t stress! My step-by-step guide to a healthy and fit pregnancy will show you exactly how to nourish yourself and your baby, while minimizing pregnancy discomforts at the same time.
It Is Possible to Maintain an Ideal Weight While Indulging in Your Cravings
I know that pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman’s life, but it’s also filled with questions. You’ve got advice coming at you from all directions, and your hormones are wreaking havoc on your body, your cravings, and your moods. This makes it hard to sift through what’s best for your growing family.
My STRONG LIKE MOMMY ebook will guide you through the same workouts and healthy meals I used for my own fit pregnancy, and for the hundreds of women I’ve coached through their own pregnancies.
Through my work as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, as well as my own pregnancy, I’ve seen the positive effects that a healthy diet and regular exercise can have on controlling unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.
Maybe you let yourself go with your last pregnancy, or maybe you aren’t eating the foods you know you should be. But what if I told you that you can feel energized, healthy, and strong with just a few simple changes? And, you can indulge in your cravings — guilt free!
I’ve been through this myself, and thanks to the methods I outline in my STRONG LIKE MOMMY ebook, I was able to bounce back to the best shape of my life. In fact, these strategies landed me my first fitness magazine cover at just 11 months postpartum! I’ve helped hundreds of real women just like you to enjoy a healthy and fit pregnancy.
Research shows that fit mommies are in labor for less time, have less chance of preterm labor, have fewer complications, and have briefer hospital stays. By following the methods in my STRONG LIKE MOMMY ebook, you’ll ensure you’re giving your baby the best start possible.

Inside You’ll Find:
Weight gain guidelines to help you stick to your goals
Meal plans that take the guesswork out of what to eat
Detailed workouts and stretches that are safe for each trimester
Over 30 delicious recipes that offer healthy alternatives for common pregnancy cravings
Scientifically-proven tips for avoiding common pregnancy discomforts
A tasty, caffeine-free coffee substitute to boost your energy in the morning
Plus Learn About:
The crucial aspect of prenatal care that expectant mothers often overlook
Why fat is essential to growing a healthy baby
Mummy tummy, with a simple at-home test to see if you have this condition
How to avoid permanent stretch marks
How to cope with morning sickness
My STRONG LIKE MOMMY ebook is your complete guide to a healthy and fit pregnancy. Simply click the button below to download your copy now. For a limited time, I’m offering this complete prenatal wellness guide at a discounted price of only $49.
P.S. I’ve got a STRONG LIKE MOMMY postnatal ebook coming soon that will show you exactly how to safely bounce back after baby. Keep an eye out for details!